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Discover the power of doing Jewish on your terms.

Welcome to MAAS CENTER

Maas Center at the American Jewish University supports anyone who wants to bring Judaism into their lives and the world. We are home to North America’s most popular program for converting to Judaism: Miller Introduction to Judaism. We also host the only pluralistic mikvah in the Pacific Southwest, where we welcome Jews of all denominations to come and immerse themselves.

Intro to Judaism

Miller Intro to Judaism is North America’s most popular Jewish introductory program. The curriculum covers Jewish history, the Torah, ritual practices, and more. Take a class with us, in your community, or become an Affiliate and join 100+ Synagogues, Hillels, and JCCs teaching this first-of-its-kind course. The class is great for anyone asking: how do I convert to judaism?

AJU Community Mikvah

The AJU Community Mikvah welcomes Jews of all denominations to partake in this sacred ritual. Each year, we host over a thousand visitors seeking renewal and a deeper connection to their spirituality. As the region’s hub for Jewish conversion, we partner with the Rabbinical Assembly Bet Din and the Sandra Caplan Community Bet Din to welcome hundreds of newcomers to the Jewish faith.

The Partnership Project

The Partnership Project empowers committed partners to build the foundation of a lasting relationship. TPP classes and experiences are designed for partners at a pivotal moment in their relationship, whether recently engaged, newly married, or ready to commit to a lifelong relationship. The program is inclusive and open to all people seeking to strengthen their commitments, including interfaith and LGBTQ+ couples, those from liberal or traditional Jewish backgrounds, and anyone else dedicated to learning about the project of partnership.

The Origin Story

Whether you’ve recently uncovered Jewish ancestry through a DNA test, learned of hidden Jewish heritage through family stories revealed, or simply feel drawn to Jewish culture and traditions, we’ve got you.

Staff & Leadership

Thanks to a generous gift from Virginia and Frank Maas, Maas Center inspires thousands to explore their relationship to Judaism. Our work is made possible by a dedicated team of educators, led by Rabbi Tarlan Rabizadeh.


Donating to Maas Center helps people on their spiritual journeys and in their search for meaning. You can support this work through recurring or one-time gifts.