Teach Miller in Your Community
Join the 100+ Synagogues, Hillels, and JCCs who teach Miller around the world.
Teach Miller in Your Community: Bring Your Members North America’s Most Popular Jewish Intro Program
The Miller Intro to Judaism Program is available in communities across North America and Internationally through our Affiliate Network. Join the nearly 100 Synagogues, Hillels, and JCCs teaching this first-of-its-kind curriculum in more than two dozen states.

The Miller Intro to Judaism Program is pluralistic and partners with institutions from across the spectrum of Jewish life. We are proud to be the officially endorsed program of the Rabbinical Assembly/United Synagogue.
☞ the complete curriculum
☞ a slide deck for every class
☞ administrative resources
☞ marketing assets
Use these materials to lead a turnkey program or a starting point for creating your version of the course.
See more detail in the course overview.

“This curriculum has strengthened our capacity for outreach and in-reach and changed how we look at Introduction to Judaism and the conversion process.“
Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp | Temple Sholom, Cincinnati, OH
By the end of the Miller Program, students will be able to:
1. Name the major historical events and trends from the Biblical period to today and explain their significance for Judaism’s development.
3. Name the major holidays of the Jewish calendar, along with their essential stories, themes, and observances.
4. Identify the key features and rituals of the Jewish lifecycle, including ceremonies to mark birth, adolescence, marriage, and death.
5. Articulate and give the meaning of aspects of Jewish daily observance, both in ritual practices (Shabbat, kashrut, and prayer) and ethics (tzedaka, tikkun olam).
6. Reflect on their relationship with Judaism and identify ways to continue to expand upon their study and practice of Judaism in their daily lives. (Only applicable for those pursuing conversion.)
Live Monthly Learning Sessions
Affiliate community leaders and educators:
– Learn from the Miller program director and our expert curriculum writer
– Connect with peers from across the Affiliate network
– Hear about best practices they can apply immediately
– Learn from guest experts in education, content, and more
Program Support
Affiliate community leaders and educators get access to expert staff who will:
– provide thought partnership on teaching methods and techniques
– advice on marketing
– support on pastoral issues, and more.
On One Foot
Companion Videos
You can access our On One Foot companion videos for free. These are great for teachers looking to improve and students who want to go deeper with a self-paced review.
At-Home Holiday
Every Miller student gets access to our set of comprehensive At-Home Holiday Guides. Each PDF is packed with thorough explanations of the traditions and rituals they need to celebrate like Jewish people worldwide. We currently offer guides for Shabbat, Hanukkah, and Passover and add more every season.

Students receive a discount when they sign up for any Hebrew class offered by American Jewish University. Your community members pay reduced fees if they choose to take Introduction to Judaism directly with us at a time when you aren’t offering the course.
Students get discounted pricing on any AJU Hebrew class.
Group rates are available to your community for any of our virtual Miller Intro classes.
Social Media Groups
All students get access to the Miller program’s private social media group, where they can connect with, learn from, and cultivate friendships with participants across the country.
Ready Teach Miller in Your Community?
Use of The Miller Program and all materials are based on an annual licensing agreement. Your fee will be based on the expected number of students annually.
All tiers include logins for each student to the One One Foot online course.
We are continually expanding what we provide to our affiliates.
As always, we are interested in supporting you and your students. If your community needs special pricing consideration, please get in touch with our staff at affiliates@aju.edu.
10 or fewer students — $700
11 to 19 students — $800
20 to 34 students — $1000
35+ students — $1800
L.A. Community Leaders:
Become a Local Miller Partner
If you are a community leader in or around the L.A. area, take advantage of this exclusive region-specific program. As a Local Miller Partner you get the same amazing materials and bonuses as Affiliates, but with even more benefits.
– Promotional Support: We leverage the extensive AJU network to advertise your class through community-wide emails
– Hands-off Registration: No need to adopt new software or systems. We can handle all your registration and payment processing so you can focus on hosting a great program.
Contact us to learn more about becoming a Local Miller Partner.