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The High Holy Days are coming and you have questions. 

What do I wear? How do I prepare? Why do we fast on Yom Kippur? Get your questions answered in our High Holy Days classes: Rosh Hashanah 101 and Yom Kippur 101.

Sign up to attend one or both of these online classes.

Rosh Hashahah 101

SEPT 15 | 6:00 PM PST | ONLINE

Join us for a crash course on the Jewish New Year. What are foods and rituals associated with this holiday? Why do we read passages about birth and Avinu Malkeinu (God)? What do I wear and what am I supposed to be doing to prepare? All this and more with Rabbi Tarlan.

What is Yom Kippur about, anyway?

Why do we fast? How do we pray? What is “sin” in Judaism? No matter where you are starting from, or how far you want to go, there is something in it for you. Don’t miss this opportunity.