The Origin Story

A Space to Explore Jewish Heritage and Community
Welcome to the Jewish people. Whether you’ve recently uncovered Jewish ancestry through a DNA test, learned of hidden Jewish heritage through family stories revealed, or simply feel drawn to Jewish culture and traditions, we’ve got your back.
The Origin Story will guide you through the many chapters of the Jewish people: their migrations, traditions, and cultures. From the basics of Jewish identity and practice to the global diversity of Jewish communities, we invite you to explore freely, at your own pace.
Take what resonates and leave the rest as you begin exploring your connection to the Jewish people.
What’s your origin story?
Be in touch with us to learn more.

“Discovering my Jewish ancestry while I was already considering conversion felt like a ‘wow’ moment. It reaffirmed that I was heading in the right direction—like I was following the journey I was always meant to take.” – Joe, 65

“I was completely shocked when I learned I had Jewish roots. I couldn’t sleep at night, questioning everything I thought I knew about my family’s history. Discovering this piece of my identity connected me to something bigger, something I didn’t even realize was missing.” – Cezary

“I have always felt drawn towards Judaism, but when I found out that I had Jewish ancestors, it was as if a spark had ignited.” – Arielle, 33
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