Understanding Antisemitism
The Big A
Let us help you unpack the realities of antisemitism—what it is, how it manifests, and why understanding it is essential to preventing more of it.
The term “antisemitism” was first coined in 1879 by the German eugenicist, Wilhelm Marr, who was looking for a scientific sounding term to replace the word “Judenhass”, or Jew hatred in German. The word “Semitic” had been used to refer to diverse languages of the Middle East, (such as Hebrew, Arabic, and Amharic), giving it the false impression that it refers to all kinds of people; but, the term antisemitism explicitly refers to hatred of Jews, both past and present.
However, anti-Jewish hatred and Judeophobia (fear of Jews) date back to ancient times. It is one of the oldest forms of hatred, rooted in myths, stereotypes, and misconceptions that have persisted for centuries. It continues to evolve today, showing up in obvious and subtle ways and across many societies worldwide.
By understanding antisemitism and Judaism, we can better recognize its impacts and encourage allyship for the Jewish community. This page offers resources to combat antisemitism and inform and empower you to address this enduring issue.
Diaspora, Exile, and Migration
The Jewish diaspora is a story of resilience, adaptation, and connection. For over 3,000 years, Jewish communities have been on the move. Whether spurred by exile, opportunity, or survival, the diaspora has shaped the diversity of Jewish culture today. This timeline offers a glimpse into the challenges and enduring legacy of a people continually finding new ways to thrive and connect.

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